Thursday, January 12, 2023

When a song changes the day

I awake from the numbness of sleep, jarred from my slumber by a song playing in the distance. I struggle to identify it….I know the tune, and the words are just a little to soft to say YES that’s it, yet. I listen, intently, like a detective on a case, I need to know this. I sit up, concentrating with all I can muster in the dawns early light and then, I hear it clearly…….Let It Be……and I smile, muscles no longer tensed up in the rude awakening that required my attention, and I realize something, for the first time in my life, the "battle" in my head isn't, is it the tune that matters the most, nor, is it the words…..I am at a musical crossroads…..I am enjoying the SONG………..


I realize, this is such a simple thing, but its taken me all my life to just, Let It Be……


Carrie Van Horn said...

I love the realization these lines led us to. An inner struggle that I feel you are not alone in my friend....let it be. That is why we love that song so much I think.

Thomas Post said...

Thank you so much Carrie. I hope you have a wonderful day

Carrie Van Horn said...

Same to you Scott. Keep writing my friend!