Sunday, April 02, 2023

Daydreams (Sunday Muse #253)

I find myself once more in the noisy crowd, elbow to elbow all fighting to be on time for that which sucks the life out of us all. That treadmill we run upon, chasing the carrots dangling as our puppeteers laugh and drink from our souls. Bastards we would have long ago killed if we didn’t know deep down how poorly stripes look on us. Bosses and beasts, one in the same, yet each seemingly an expert on what horrors we alone will take, just how much degrading we must ensue to grab that paycheck on Friday.  At least mine, is just for today.

I had planned it out to perfection, over the many years of watching the brothers and sisters of nepotism advance to become my keeper in the work spaces I’ve dwelled in. Pretending to work as they shuffled their tasks onto my lap, suggesting they had given me a reward, it always came with threat not prize. Today, as they arrive late, laughing and loud, their fates, are about to change, for each is about to unleash a multitude of viruses corporate wide. Each of the guilty parties, 21 in total will unknowingly kill their own careers with a simple log in. I hope in their futures, they will learn to do their own work and not hand it, along with their passwords over to the likes of me.


Carrie Burtt said...

Sometimes that life of work can feel like being a hamster in a run wheel for sure. I love your ending here Scott. I have had some daydreams similar to this.
I do believe that in real life those that so unfairly treat others and let others take the fall and the load, they have a way of hanging themselves in the long run. Karma is almost as accurate as science and math. What goes round does tend to come back around too. Wonderful and thought provoking writing my friend!

Susie Clevenger said...

This is filled with truth. So many work so hard to never get ahead, or someone else takes credit for their work. Love your ending!

Helen said...

A good read .. sinister done quite well I say.

Thomas Post said...

I agree Carrie Burtt, and I've been lucky to have gotten off that existence many years ago. I've seen it firsthand and swore to walk a better path as a boss. Karma often takes her time, but I've seen enough to know even if I don't witness it, it shall come to pass. Thank you for your input. :)

Thomas Post said...

Thank you Susie Clevenger, I appreciate the kind words. I think the satisfaction a writer gets from a finished piece is in itself enough of a reward, but to affect a reader is magic.

Thomas Post said...

Thank you Helen, I do love it when those rascals get their undoing in our own time. :)