Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Beautiful Day

As my spirit longs for the warmth of your soul today, I distract the welling up of these emotions by remembering the last time we made love. I remember what a dazzling day it was, and how we interrupted the stillness that painted those canyon walls with such a deep and profound peace. As our lovemaking grew in passion, neither could stop their expressions of pleasure, sending echoes of moans up and down the canyon. Naked and unashamed, the sands of that patch of beach along the Clavey River were so close to heaven that day, and you, its most cherished angel. The sexuality that flowed along side that watercourse had been kept dammed up for to long, and as we both burst simultaneously its ensuing satisfaction swept us away in waves. Lying in that sand, sunning in the after glow I recall telling you the day couldn’t get any better and how it had made you smile.

Yes, those days are now seemingly past us, though still etched in my heart and mind and, of course recorded against my flesh… imagine my spirits surprise running into you today

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