Friday, August 18, 2006

Me and Bobbie Malone

He was just this way I thought, as his face slammed into my fist, stubborn. When he got this way, only being beaten unconscious would stop him. I tried talking first, believe me but for now I would have to continue striking him.

I hated violence, unless it stops a death, then I’m first in line. Bobbie Malone wasn’t dying on my watch, although he would wake up in a hospital. I guess to someone who didn’t know him you might think him insane, but you’d be only scratching the surface of his complete psychosis.

Watching Bobbie Malone is like being on fudge with a pot cake, and as clear as the backwash of a tsunami. Bobbie wasn’t like us, he wasn’t like anyone, nor did many think him completely human.

After many vicious moments Mr. Malone was no longer moving, so I checked his pulse, it was fine, and now after his recovery so would he, at least until next time.


Anonymous said...

Daddy dot zero says this is way fine dude!

Anonymous said...

Damn, so violent, whats up with that?

Thomas Post said...

I believe one needs to write about things that don't happen in ones life, just as they would write about something that does