Friday, February 03, 2006

What a long strange week it's been

The rain tapped across the tin roof as the fire began to roar, signaling a start towards warmth. The chill possibly like getting embedded in a glazier by accident, or I suppose even on purpose fills this shop. Built in 1926 there is nothing straight here except myself. On a work table in the center of the room sits a black cat, eyeing me as she wags her tail attempting to get my attention. She laid claim to the place years ago and is usually quite successful on chasing the other cats out, and for that trouble she wants to be noticed. The smell of oak and pine whiff past me as I turn up the stereo system, and “Statesboro Blues” begins to soothe this weary mind. After a long week I need to erase the bitter taste of a world that rewards stupidity.

Stupid people shouldn’t breed, a truth long shared by most folks, but please add that they shouldn’t drive, speak, move or make noise in any way shape or form unless completely alone or in a meeting with others who have come to work on no fewer than 12 steps towards improving. Until then stay out of the way, keep out of cars if you’re driving and for heavens sakes throw your trash in a proper receptacle. Learn to be better and if you’re over 200 pounds please wear a shirt that covers your tramp stamp. Don’t swear at your children in public or for that matter, at all and always remember that no one really wants to listen to your cell phone call during the movie. Its also good to understand that wrestling on TV isn’t real or worth saving its greatest moments in the little gray matter you were given.

Ok, back to the nice fire, a cat and Alman Brothers, while the rain melts my thoughts back to its happy place. I feel much better now.


Anonymous said...

Those guys got in front of me today to!

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for that!

Anonymous said...

I love tramp stamps!

Thomas Post said...

so do I if their NOT on a 200 LB'er

Anonymous said...

I say round em up and send them to france

Anonymous said...

statesboro blues, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes!

Anonymous said...

I still like to add beer in these moments

Anonymous said...

"ain't but one way out babe, Lord I just can't go out that door........" yeah, bring it on!

Anonymous said...

but can a 400 lb'er have two?

Thomas Post said...

I think, Howard that you should just keep doing what you have been doing, because you help my team get elected, not America's terrocrats.

Thomas Post said...

Howard, listen, you have a very short lived job, your fellow Terrocrates aren't going to like you after you cause another 15+ seats to go to my side in Nov. But I, I would like to thank you here, and now!