Sunday, January 08, 2006

two times a quarter century

Something occurred to me today at the movies (Dick and Jane) as I looked around at my fellow “goers”. It seems to me that the 18-30 year old girls of today have become much more accepting of what my generation would have called a sexual “taboo”, and that because of this, their male counterparts are seemingly less well mannered because their end goal is partially now a given. You guys may have already known this but for me the pieces fell together and just wanted to say so. By the way, the kids in this photo are not like the kids I wrote about.


KLT said...

yes caver Scott..there does seem to be a lower standard of morality. But be assured that there are many young women out there who are striving to be moral, chaste and have set high standards for themselves. They try to make right choices, they have respect for their bodies and great hopes for their futures.

Anonymous said...

I hate cell phones in the movies

Thomas Post said...

Lets hope so, their all we have as we age and wrinkle