Sunday, January 29, 2006

happiness is a warm gun

There’s a guy on my TV,
Telling me to listen.
Says he knows what’s best for me,
Yeah, a liberal politician.
He knows what’s best,
For you and I.
Getting his hands on your gun
Is what he’ll try.

So long Smith and Wesson
Kiss your Colt goodbye
Mr. liberal knows
What’s best for you and I.

So, they took away the guns,
But they stabbed me in the back.
So they took away the knifes
Trying to end the attack.

Next day they were horrified,
When they came to find.
Someone killed another, seems
There was an axe to grind.

So they took away the axes,
With smiles on their faces.
Until a little later when they
Found men hung in places.

So they banned all rope,
Happy once again.
Until the 6 o’clock news
Told of murder by poison.

Their list grow long.
Of what they ban.
But can you stop
The hurt, man to man?

Saturday, January 28, 2006


I Wonder What That Cracking Sound Is?

Friday, January 27, 2006

James Blunt's "cry"

One of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard.

James Blunt

I have seen peace, I have seen pain.
Resting on the shoulders of your name.
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder.
I’m a friend.

I have seen birth, I have seen death.
Lived to see a lover’s final breath.
Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright?
Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?
And if you want to talk about it once again.
On you I depend. I’ll cry on your shoulder.
You’re a friend.

You and I have been through many things.
I’ll hold on to your heart.
I wouldn’t cry for anything.
But don’t go tearing your life apart.

I have seen fear. I have seen faith.
Seen the look of anger on your face.
And if you want to talk about what will be.
Come and sit with me and cry on my shoulder.
I’m a friend.
And if you want to talk about it anymore.
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder.
I’m a friend.

it is said......

“How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward”

Spanish Proverb

makes sence to me

“Make Haste Slowly”
Zen Master

WARNING PG -13 Story

The following story is fiction and was the first I ever submitted for
publication, its was soundly rejected...............................

It wasn’t the first time I’ve ever been asked that question, but at this

seemingly eternal second my mind began playing ostrich by burying

any speech function I had deep into the gray matter of my past.

I never have really thought much about why I tell lies. I have always

figured that most men are gifted, or cursed depending upon one’s

moral codes in the truthfulness arena. Some tell the truth always, and I

think those are the one’s we end up seeing as they argue with

themselves about whether the voices really meant it. I would believe

that since we, as a whole are still repopulating our planet that the

majority of men do lie, regularly. It is a survival skill that I believe is

past from generation to generation. I am not making this stuff up

when I say that, but I am also not able to point you towards proof. As

far as my own lying goes I have found it to be a very covenant method

of staying alive. What I mean is that some lies were created to keep me

out of jail, divorce court or from that line at the local Unemployment

Department that always seemed to have such an above average

number of unretained people all clustered together in such close

proximity. This is not a happy place and I want to do everything I can

to not make the lines bigger for those who suffer there. Most of my lies

have just been your run of the mill, standard white lies. There have

been a mix of a few half-truths, and some quarter half-truths, but my

stories have never killed or harmed anyone that I liked. I first started

by telling the easy ones, and then later I worked up to the creative

ones that I could formulate at 3:00 in the morning after being woken

up out a very satisfying deep sleep. Say, perhaps by a woman asking

me if I love her, or quite possibly questioning me on just whose panties

these were now twirling from her finger. Sometimes I lie because the

truth seems so bland, and my version is much more vivid. Sometimes

my lies became truth, and that is kind of strange but as long as I am

not affected why fight it. White lies live inside my head, and they

bloomed and have reached a state where no one can tell lie from fact

anymore. It is an art form to be able to convince an Eskimo to buy the

extra ice trays with his new refrigerator.

I can remember the very day that I learned in school that not only was

it bad to lie, but that it was very very bad. I often wondered how much

more the two verys might add to a punishment, but I never asked

anyone who ever found out. My third grade teacher had attempted to

explain to her wide assortment of young minds that once you told your

first lie that you then had to remember who, and what you had told

someone. I soon found it was much better for me to make up an even

bigger whopper when confronted with a past; telling of fabrication

then admitting I had lied. While some had nodded in agreement with

that teacher, and others begin breaking down, even weeping, I can

remember thinking, so, we’re talking what, two sets of memory books

here? Please understand that up until that very moment, I had never

knowingly told a lie.

I was a good kid growing up, and I did what I was told. I understood

that death was a socially accepted punishment for bad children. Many

of my friends had been sent away to “live with Grandma.” I never did

bad things, because I also knew that if I did, someone else’s parent

could jump out and catch me doing stuff when my folks weren’t

around. They could accuse a kid of anything remotely resembling a

crime. Adults had it down. They ran a tight ship and we children rowed.

They watched each other’s backs, and they could, according to some

ancient code of parenting, chew your butt until your Mom or Dad

wondered onto the scene.

I spent the rest of that day staring off into my A.D.D. distance, soaking

up the possibilities of just what this exciting new understanding held. I

knew that from this moment on, the boring existence of those past 8

years of my life wouldn’t be repeated. I saw flashing images of a

potential life on the run. Spent lying to get all my needs met. Sort of

like running with scissors and pinning the blame on some sap all

rushed into my mind. It was as if there was a dance of good and evil

battling, all taking place inside me with a polka band soundtrack. I saw

the plus side of both leg and wool pulling, and that made me feel like I

might be able to make it through not only 3rd grade, but through life


I spend the rest of my life honing those skills. I practiced them until my

timing was flawless. I could make up stuff effortlessly on the spot.

Stories were told even when my neck wasn’t out on some line, they

just popped out, and my lips were powerless from my imagination. My

reputation as a man who never lost a battle of words grew. My own

Mother believed me when I concocted the story of my adoption. Life

was like an abundant feast from where I could dine and drink from the

nectars of the gullible that I encountered each day. Words became my

sword, and my swift use of it ended any fight before cuffs could be

rolled. Those whose paths I crossed accepted my elephants as mere

decoration in my living room. My naked kings paraded freely with no

willing accusers, and this time would be no different. I took an

undetectable breath, turned towards her, and looking her straight in

the eye, and said, “No, you are not fat.” I then turned my head and

watched as the little boy in my mind began to run with his scissors,

laughing and jumping on the good furniture.

I am not proud of what I had to do to survive, but survive I have. I

know what my inner voices mean, their just never very true.

nothing can't be done

“Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of traveling”

Samuel Johnson


Secrets revealed


Say What

“The Limits Of My Language Mean The Limits Of My World”

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Someone once told me that they felt as if love were a room full of fog, and that they would one day hit a wall which meant to them that a relationship would end. Hopeless and inevitable. Further, they had their doubts about someone pledging their love, forever, based upon such a long period of time. Well, this got me thinking, and here is what I think about that.

Wondering through the fog, some people, the human type, for reasons we possibility will never know, let alone understand, can pass freely through out the room (life) and never find that wall. Love is everything, its nirvana, its fear, its peace, and its war. Each moment spent in true love is bliss, each moment spent in knowing that forever will come many times in one’s life is sabotage, the point is that its better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Trust until it is broken, then gauge the cut across that bridge, give until all you have is absorbed, perhaps you will see two as one, graying yet still holding each onto each others hearts and hands. Love is never easy, no matter how much we wish ourselves into the movies magic, we will have to work each day at this craft. If your heart tells you he is the one, then he is, but if your heart is only warmed by his vow of love to you, then yes, forever ends this week.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Dianne Feinstein at Alito hearings………………..our tax dollars at work!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

we are small

I found this on a blog site and fell in love with the beauty of it.

To anyone who has ever lived as a Geisha, and you know who you are, could you fill me in on what the deal is? If they put on any more white makeup how long will it be before their climbing on top SUV’s grabbing their crotch and moon walking?

two times a quarter century

Something occurred to me today at the movies (Dick and Jane) as I looked around at my fellow “goers”. It seems to me that the 18-30 year old girls of today have become much more accepting of what my generation would have called a sexual “taboo”, and that because of this, their male counterparts are seemingly less well mannered because their end goal is partially now a given. You guys may have already known this but for me the pieces fell together and just wanted to say so. By the way, the kids in this photo are not like the kids I wrote about.