Listening to the quite sounds of a gator-aide lid turned hockey puck Thomas the less than 1 year old kitten makes his shot. ITS GOOD… somewhere deep within his little cat brain this score counts, but just as quickly as his new toy goes hiding under the chair he’s off exploring behind the TV. Finding no viable, or mobile toys he stands in front of CSI and watches the gory for a moment before contemplating a direct leap into the Christmas tree. My “NO” changes the course of his history and he’s off seeking a way into the 1” gap between floor and chair, the last known location of fun. I wonder how much of his foolishness could be connected to tonight’s full “cold” moon? Does its pull on our inner gravity tug harder against his small fir lined shell? Then I suddenly hear the new sounds in the kitchen of perhaps a spoon now being used as an object to spin wildly on the lino and the answer becomes crystal clear……we stand not a chance, we humans who find ourselves sitting between the moons tug and the creative mind of a crazed and bored kitten.
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