Friday, July 15, 2005

A good shoulder is a good thing to have

Hi, its great to be back……………………lets see, where are we at?………..

I have been pretty worried lately kids. It seems that since last Thursday, the one 8 days ago I awoke and found the right side of my neck swollen. This in turn was causing the pinching of nerves down to the tips of my fingers, making anything involving being awake most painful. After spending countless hours at Massage Therapy, MD’s, Chiropractors and a trip to the ER while cartoons are on I was starting to think I might be on the DD List. (Designated Digger) for the 2005-2006 dig season. Even after 2 shots of Demerol, countless pills of every shape and size I HURT BAD.


The pain was staying put, and it was painful pain, the kind that brings a man to his knees with saline dripping from his eyeballs even in front of a woman. Now that’s pain! Anyway, I had a MRI this afternoon and for even a caver that’s to tight to enjoy, didn’t seem to go………………so I figure I either have good coverage or its serious for old Doc Hindi to order one up.

Now, here’s the good part! It was interesting that about an hour before this procedure I Tried one more massage, you that know me understand that if asked to choose between a massage or a dig trip I might become distracted, smoke could appear and you may have finally succeeded in stubbing my mind. Anyway, this massage went very good if you know what I mean, yeah man, she got the shoulder back in place!!!! I was even able to play softball tonight!!!!…..

So it appears that I have turned the corner on the road to wellness!

So, tomorrow my 2nd wife, Paul and I shall roll up into the foothills, crawl into that cool cave of 56 degrees and start setting up for the season……………be still my heart.


Anonymous said...

Finally found your site. Glad (very glad) the shoulder is doing better, now don't hurt it again!

Thomas Post said...

Well Thank you, Thank you very much!