Sunday, February 19, 2006

Now Listen

Terrocrats, shut your faces, your red, embarassed stupid faces!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Go soak yourself

Here is a web site just for you that seek a nice long soak in a natural hot tub. Scattered across the world you can check and find GPS locations for your next trip. Enjoy, and let me know if you find any super cool ones!

Laura Bush takes names

Laura Bush calls Hillary Clinton out of bounds
12 February 2006
TURIN: US first lady Laura Bush called New York Democratic Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton "out of bounds" for a recent attack on her husband, US President George W Bush, but chalked it up to politics.
Senator Clinton, pondering a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, has begun to intensify her criticism of the Bush administration, recently saying it could go down in history as among the worst ever.
"Of course I think it's out of bounds," Mrs Bush told ABC News from Turin, where she attended opening events at the Winter Olympics. "But I think it's politics, it's certainly politics."
The Bush and Clinton families have a complicated relationship. President Bush and his father, the former president, both Republicans, get on well with former President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, but the Bush family does not want to see Clinton's wife, the former first lady, win the presidency in 2008.
A rich political tapestry was evident at the funeral last week in Atlanta for Coretta Scott King, the widow of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, with the Bush and Clinton families gathered along with former President Jimmy Carter.
At that event, former President Clinton gave a hint of his thinking about who should win in 2008. He noted that former presidents were present, as was the current president, and then he gestured to his wife to suggest she was the future president.
Mrs Bush said the two Bush presidents and Clinton "are in a club together and really I think wives of the presidents are in a club, as well."
"We know what it's like to live in that house. We certainly know what it's like to have your husband criticized. So I think there's a certain empathy that we might have for each other that we wouldn't have maybe for somebody else who said something like that," she said.
In an example of the way Republicans are dealing with Senator Clinton's attacks, Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, has said Senator Clinton's attack was an example of anger and that Americans do not like to elect angry candidates.

Friday, February 03, 2006

What a long strange week it's been

The rain tapped across the tin roof as the fire began to roar, signaling a start towards warmth. The chill possibly like getting embedded in a glazier by accident, or I suppose even on purpose fills this shop. Built in 1926 there is nothing straight here except myself. On a work table in the center of the room sits a black cat, eyeing me as she wags her tail attempting to get my attention. She laid claim to the place years ago and is usually quite successful on chasing the other cats out, and for that trouble she wants to be noticed. The smell of oak and pine whiff past me as I turn up the stereo system, and “Statesboro Blues” begins to soothe this weary mind. After a long week I need to erase the bitter taste of a world that rewards stupidity.

Stupid people shouldn’t breed, a truth long shared by most folks, but please add that they shouldn’t drive, speak, move or make noise in any way shape or form unless completely alone or in a meeting with others who have come to work on no fewer than 12 steps towards improving. Until then stay out of the way, keep out of cars if you’re driving and for heavens sakes throw your trash in a proper receptacle. Learn to be better and if you’re over 200 pounds please wear a shirt that covers your tramp stamp. Don’t swear at your children in public or for that matter, at all and always remember that no one really wants to listen to your cell phone call during the movie. Its also good to understand that wrestling on TV isn’t real or worth saving its greatest moments in the little gray matter you were given.

Ok, back to the nice fire, a cat and Alman Brothers, while the rain melts my thoughts back to its happy place. I feel much better now.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

dirty time in the hills

……..stranded fifty plus miles from the nearest food or water I sit in this truck awaiting rescue, which at best involves my son following very cell phone unfriendly directions given in over twenty five separate calls all the while playing the “can you here me now’s”. Directions given a piece at a time as the cell waves allowed, a few words in each blast of communication, directions given in an insane attempt to guide someone to where even I wasn’t sure was. Twenty miles from a town of three, turning down an unmarked road by an oak tree by a stream with a “bait 4 sale” sign from years ago hanging on the fence. Then where the road forks miles in, trend left on what’s known as “Baker O’Riley”. Going 8 tenth of a mile there’s a quick right up through the shrub oak and on to the red clay slime that passes as a road only when dry. Dropping 500’ in elevation in ½ mile, winding passed the four wheel drive fire truck that now sits stuck and abandoned there comes a sharp left onto a freshly cut “road” which in these parts is code for a guarantee full axel embedment. Sitting just out of view, I’ve spray painted my son’s name on plywood scraps I’ve found that others have left behind after suffering the same fate as myself, hoping his name and the arrows will allow him to find me before death does. Now 10 hours since I ate my stomach suggests to my hands to throw rocks at the hundreds of deer that graze all around me.

I had done well down this road, made it to the very end, then making a 37 point turn to keep from getting stuck. I had even parked and walked the 2 acres fairly well, but as I drove out I made a huge mistake, I stopped again to look at some flagging tape marking a lower boundary, and its was at that very moment I knew I had made a poor choice. As I attempt to go forward the embankment started to give way and the drivers side front wheel sank into a puddle of slime, red clay slime. The bed of the truck ended 6” from the post the gate hinged off of.

For over three hours I used every stick, rock board and even “tee” rail fence posts to wedge under the wheels, hoping I might be able to back up. Now covered in mud from head to toe, 35 attempts late, it starts to rain and I know I have only a few minutes before self rescue is anything more than a pipe dream. At three o’clock straight up and down the impossible happened, no, but my cell phone rang and I explained to Tracey at my office what I needed and why. The clouds seemed to have caused the cell signals to work very sporadically, yet my “XM” satellite stereo system showed a “no Signal” display, something they guarantee would never happen. As the rain slowed a bit and with the knowledge the cavalry was on its way I sat out with digital camera and snapped 92 photos of moss, rocks and strange things to even me. When I returned to the truck I realized that it had slide 2 more inches towards the gate post and that the frame under the truck was now resting on slime.
So I now sit here awaiting someone to come to my aide and write. Tell everyone I loved them, I’m just thankful I won’t have to gnaw off a body part before I go…………………………………………………………